Patio, Property Building in Paso Robles Inn

Paso Robles Inn


ようこそ、Paso Robles Innへ – カリフォルニアのワインカントリーの中心にある素晴らしい隠れ家です!活気あるパソ・ロブレスの市中心部からわずか0.1マイルの場所に位置するこの魅力的な3つ星の宿は、快適さと便利さの絶妙な組み合わせを提供します。リーズナブルな$253から始まる価格で、この魅力的な目的地を探索しながら、ホテルの心地よい雰囲気を楽しむことができます。

滞在を本当に思い出深いものにするために設計された素晴らしいアメニティの数々をお楽しみください。きらめく屋外プールに飛び込んだり、豪華なスパバスでリラックスしたり、美しい庭の景色を眺めながらバルコニーで新鮮な空気を吸ったりできます。接続を維持する必要がありますか?施設全体で無料Wi-Fiをお楽しみください!Paso Robles Innは、特別な集まりに最適な会議室や宴会場を少し追加料金で提供し、イベントのニーズにも対応しています。

冒険心旺盛な方は、ツアーデスクを利用してパソ・ロブレスの隠れた宝石を発見し、食通の方は宿のバーで楽しむことができます。満足したゲストからの448の高評価のレビューからも明らかなように、Paso Robles Innは一流のサービスと心地よい雰囲気で知られる大切な目的地です。ロマンチックな getaway、家族旅行、または一人旅のいずれであっても、この宿は美しい周辺を探索するための完璧な拠点を提供します。

Patio, Property Building in Paso Robles Inn
Restaurant/places to eat, Property Building in Paso Robles Inn


King Room with Spa Bath in Paso Robles Inn


1 キングサイズベッド


495 平方フィート







1 キングサイズベッド

キングベッドルーム, ジェットバス付き





King Room with Spa Bath in Paso Robles Inn


1 キングサイズベッド


495 平方フィート







Paso Robles Innでは、あなたの滞在は普通を超え、各部屋は小さな楽園のようにデザインされています。エレガントなキングルームの一つでくつろいでいる自分を想像してみてください。ふかふかのベッドが、探検の一日を終えた後の穏やかな夜を呼び寄せます。家族や友人と旅行しているなら、広々とした四人部屋やスイートルームがぴったりです—ゲームナイトや映画マラソンを一緒に楽しむことができるでしょう!そして、庭の景色を楽しみたい方には、特定の部屋が自然の一部を提供し、朝のコーヒーにぴったりの背景を提供します。

しかし、居心地の良い宿泊施設だけではありません!屋外プールへの旅行で滞在をさらに充実させてみませんか?年中無休でリフレッシュできる逃避場所を提供します!大人のための静かなオアシスを求める方には、大人専用のプールセクションが平和な隠れ家を約束します。太陽を浴びた後は、リラックスできるスパバスに浸かって、心配事を忘れてリラックスしましょう。Paso Robles Innのすべては、心地よいタッチで作られており、あなたが贅沢でリフレッシュした気持ちで帰ることを保証します。

Restaurant/places to eat, Property Building in Paso Robles Inn
Patio, Pool View in Paso Robles Inn


カリフォルニアのワインカントリーでの冒険の一日を終えた後は、宿のバーで地元の風味が生き生きとした美味しい夜を楽しんでください。素晴らしいワインを一杯飲みながら、今日の冒険を振り返ったり、居心地の良い屋外のファイヤーピットの周りで笑い合ったりしましょう。ここにはあなたを待っている素晴らしい体験がたくさんあるので、ゲストが滞在を絶賛するのも不思議ではありません—まるで家のように感じる場所に恋をする準備をしてください!さあ、荷物をまとめて、Paso Robles Innでの素晴らしい休暇に備えましょう。冒険とリラクゼーションがすぐそこに待っています!

Bed in Paso Robles Inn
Shower, Bathroom in Paso Robles Inn










Shower, Bathroom in Paso Robles Inn
Lounge or bar in Paso Robles Inn


屋外, 大人専用


Patio, Swimming Pool in Paso Robles Inn
Patio in Paso Robles Inn
Restaurant/places to eat, Property Building in Paso Robles Inn
This hotel was so beautiful! The grounds are so well kept and so serene. We really enjoyed our room which was very comfortable and quiet. We opted for the King suite with the jacuzzi tub on the patio and LOVED it! There are curtains that you can keep open or shut for privacy and the tub fills up pretty quickly. We took our baby for her first little swim in the tub. Great fun! The location is outstanding, right off the highway and tons to walk to. I really feel like the price was a great value given the quality and location of the hotel.


We have stayed here before, mainly for the location and the value. We like that the Inn is on the main square and we can walk to restaurants and shops. We love Il Cortile restaurant, right around the corner. The room was comfortable, there is a refrigerator, and microwave in the room. Staff was very helpful. If we needed anything, we just had to text or call and it would be delivered to our room quickly. The grounds are really nice. It would be nice to have more seating areas for more than two people.


We were upstairs in the back of the hotel. It was very quiet and the room was excellent. We especially liked the fact it had a table and two chairs where we could play cards and eat. The room even had a microwave and refrigerator with a Keurig coffee maker. The pool and jacuzzi were right downstairs too! We were in walking distance of the beautiful downtown square as well. We loved it and wished we had booked another night. Will definitely visit again.


Great Location across from a park, walking to many restos and cafes. This property has been here for quite a while, so it's somewhat "historic" but mostly in the lobby and bar area upstairs. Room was fine, if basic. The best thing about this property is the extensive gardens right outside our door. Many rose bushes in bloom, other gardens, koi ponds, manufactured 'streams' and lounging furniture scattered about.


The girls at the front desk were so warm and welcoming. When they heard about our anniversary and that we had just been dropping our daughter off at college they gave us an upgrade. They said we deserved something special. They were both so sweet and recommended restaurants etc. just a very above and beyond attitude. We can’t wait to visit again!


This hotel was so beautiful! The grounds are so well kept and so serene. We really enjoyed our room which was very comfortable and quiet. We opted for the King suite with the jacuzzi tub on the patio and LOVED it! There are curtains that you can keep open or shut for privacy and the tub fills up pretty quickly. We took our baby for her first little swim in the tub. Great fun! The location is outstanding, right off the highway and tons to walk to. I really feel like the price was a great value given the quality and location of the hotel.


We have stayed here before, mainly for the location and the value. We like that the Inn is on the main square and we can walk to restaurants and shops. We love Il Cortile restaurant, right around the corner. The room was comfortable, there is a refrigerator, and microwave in the room. Staff was very helpful. If we needed anything, we just had to text or call and it would be delivered to our room quickly. The grounds are really nice. It would be nice to have more seating areas for more than two people.


We were upstairs in the back of the hotel. It was very quiet and the room was excellent. We especially liked the fact it had a table and two chairs where we could play cards and eat. The room even had a microwave and refrigerator with a Keurig coffee maker. The pool and jacuzzi were right downstairs too! We were in walking distance of the beautiful downtown square as well. We loved it and wished we had booked another night. Will definitely visit again.


Great Location across from a park, walking to many restos and cafes. This property has been here for quite a while, so it's somewhat "historic" but mostly in the lobby and bar area upstairs. Room was fine, if basic. The best thing about this property is the extensive gardens right outside our door. Many rose bushes in bloom, other gardens, koi ponds, manufactured 'streams' and lounging furniture scattered about.


The girls at the front desk were so warm and welcoming. When they heard about our anniversary and that we had just been dropping our daughter off at college they gave us an upgrade. They said we deserved something special. They were both so sweet and recommended restaurants etc. just a very above and beyond attitude. We can’t wait to visit again!


This hotel was so beautiful! The grounds are so well kept and so serene. We really enjoyed our room which was very comfortable and quiet. We opted for the King suite with the jacuzzi tub on the patio and LOVED it! There are curtains that you can keep open or shut for privacy and the tub fills up pretty quickly. We took our baby for her first little swim in the tub. Great fun! The location is outstanding, right off the highway and tons to walk to. I really feel like the price was a great value given the quality and location of the hotel.


We have stayed here before, mainly for the location and the value. We like that the Inn is on the main square and we can walk to restaurants and shops. We love Il Cortile restaurant, right around the corner. The room was comfortable, there is a refrigerator, and microwave in the room. Staff was very helpful. If we needed anything, we just had to text or call and it would be delivered to our room quickly. The grounds are really nice. It would be nice to have more seating areas for more than two people.


We were upstairs in the back of the hotel. It was very quiet and the room was excellent. We especially liked the fact it had a table and two chairs where we could play cards and eat. The room even had a microwave and refrigerator with a Keurig coffee maker. The pool and jacuzzi were right downstairs too! We were in walking distance of the beautiful downtown square as well. We loved it and wished we had booked another night. Will definitely visit again.


Great Location across from a park, walking to many restos and cafes. This property has been here for quite a while, so it's somewhat "historic" but mostly in the lobby and bar area upstairs. Room was fine, if basic. The best thing about this property is the extensive gardens right outside our door. Many rose bushes in bloom, other gardens, koi ponds, manufactured 'streams' and lounging furniture scattered about.


The girls at the front desk were so warm and welcoming. When they heard about our anniversary and that we had just been dropping our daughter off at college they gave us an upgrade. They said we deserved something special. They were both so sweet and recommended restaurants etc. just a very above and beyond attitude. We can’t wait to visit again!



1103 Spring St, Paso Robles, 93446, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ

Paso Robles Inn